Casey Elrich

Casey Ehrlich


Ph.D. (she/her)
Casey Ehrlich, Ph.D. (she/her) is a social scientist, parent coach and educator, and the CEO and founder of At Peace Parents, LLC.  Casey brings 15 years of work experience and expertise in social science methodology to help parents and therapists understand how to connect with and accommodate PDA Autistic children. She specializes in teaching parents and therapists practical skills in the home or clinical setting to accommodate neuroception-driven demand avoidance and nervous system differences through creative techniques. Her original research as a social scientist was conducted on post-conflict reconciliation, social capital, trust, and trauma in Colombia, South America – themes she brings to her work with parents, therapists, and teachers. She has served more than 1,000 families raising Autistic, PDA Autistic, ADHD and traumatized children since 2020 and is also raising a PDA autistic son.
Disclosures for Casey Ehrlich
FINANCIAL: Casey is the founder of At Peace Parents, LLC and receives compensation for her work. She receives commission from Learn Play Thrive for sales of the Neurodiversity Summit.
NON-FINANCIAL: Casey’s son is Pathologically Demand Avoidant. She has friends, family, and colleagues who are Autistic.